Family Support
Makes a Big Difference
At Shepherd Center, helping patients achieve their best lives is a group effort. And some of the most important people in that team approach are the patient’s family members and loved ones.
We are dedicated to making it as easy as possible for families to stay nearby while their loved ones receive treatment. Shepherd provides up to 30 days of housing to families of newly injured rehabilitation patients if both the family and patient live more than 50 miles from the hospital. Our Housing program also provides housing for Day Program patients and SHARE clients.
"I can’t run now, but I can run again."
Supporting Shepherd patients’ families is crucial — but don’t take our word for it. Faced with seemingly impossible odds after being hit by a drunk driver, and sustaining a brain injury, Cole’s family took their son to a place where hope persists: Shepherd Center.
For the Burtons, the shift to hopeful recovery began the moment they arrived at Shepherd Center. From the convenience of onsite family housing to the country’s leading recreation therapy program, Shepherd Center was ready to support Cole and his family every step of the way.
After eight grueling weeks – both for the patient and his family – Cole was literally back on his feet. It was not easy, but with his hard work, the dedication of his clinical team, and the support of his family, Cole did what others said could not be done. Just 13 months after his accident, Cole completed the Atlanta Journal-Constitution Peachtree Road Race in Atlanta. Through every victory and every setback, he had the support of his family.
You Make Housing Happen
Donations Make a Difference
Shepherd Center would not be able to offer family housing options if it were not for the generosity of supporters like you. On behalf of the patients and families who benefit so greatly from our housing opportunities, thank you.