Community Event Terms and Conditions
By registering and receiving approval of your event with us, you may receive support, advice, and approved use of our logo. Upon approval, we will also provide a letter of endorsement so people in the community will know your event, benefits Shepherd Center. When considering an event to benefit Shepherd Center, there are some rules we are obligated to follow. Before submitting your application, be sure the following requirements are met:
Event Approval: 1. Organizers of community events benefiting Shepherd Center should complete and submit a community fundraising event application. 2. Applications must be completed and submitted to Shepherd Center at least six weeks before the proposed fundraising event. If you would like to repeat the event, you must submit a new application. 3. Shepherd Center must approve all anticipated solicitations made to corporations on our behalf. 4. Shepherd Center reserves the right to decline approval of an event at any time if there is a conflict of interest. 5. Due to confidentiality, Shepherd Center is unable to release mailing lists for any reason, including promotion or solicitation of funds in support of community events. 6. Shepherd Center must be notified in writing if there is any significant change in the event once it has been approved.
Use of Name and Logo: 1. All event publicity in which the Shepherd Center logo is used must comply with our logo usage guidelines. Logo usage guidelines can be found in the Shepherd Center Brand Guide. 2. Any promotional materials must be approved before publication or production. 3. Shepherd Center is glad to provide brochures, pamphlets, and other informational materials, promoting and explaining Shepherd Center’s mission and goals. Please let us know your needs in this area as soon as possible, but at least two weeks prior to the event, so we can try to have sufficient quantities for your event. These materials will be available for pick up at Shepherd Center. 4. Shepherd Center promotional merchandise may be available at cost if the request is approved within enough time to fulfill the request. These materials will be available for pick up at Shepherd Center.
Logo Use Agreement: 1. The Shepherd Center logo can only be used with written permission and approval of use. 2. If approved, we will provide you with a Shepherd Center logo to use when promoting your event. 3. The name Shepherd Center or any Shepherd Center logos may not be altered in any way. 4. When listing an event on your materials, choose from the following options:
- An event benefiting Shepherd Center
- (Event name), benefiting Shepherd Center
Financial and Legal Information: 1. If Shepherd Center is not the sole beneficiary of funds raised, organizers should clearly state on event materials the percentage of proceeds being directed to each organization. Shepherd Center reserves the right to refuse to be a beneficiary of an event where there are multiple beneficiaries of funds raised. 2. Shepherd Center may not be responsible for obtaining any permits or licenses required for your event. 3. Events must comply with all federal, state, and local laws, including all laws governing charitable fundraising, solicitation, and gift-reporting. 4. Shepherd Center will only provide IRS-compliant tax receipts for donations made directly to “Shepherd Center Foundation.” You must provide donor contact information so a tax receipt can be mailed to each donor. 5. We request event proceeds be submitted within 30 days of the event date. Please send to: 2020 Peachtree Road NW, Atlanta GA 30309, Attn: Foundation. Checks should be made payable to “Shepherd Center Foundation.” 6. You will be required to obtain your own liability insurance to cover the event. 7. Shepherd Center must approve the process by which donations and expenses will be handled. You will be asked to provide an accounting of expenses and funds collected. 8. No portion of the proceeds from the event may be kept as profit or compensation. 9. Reimbursements for bone fide personal expenses related to the event must be approved in advance of expenditure.
Tips for success
- After your event has been approved, discuss your needs with us so we can help with promotion when appropriate. Be aware that we try our best, but it is not always possible for our staff, physicians, or patients to attend all community events.
- Have plenty of volunteers to help. Shepherd Center is unable to provide staff or volunteers for every event.
- Ask your insurance agent if you need liability insurance for your event.
- Get the word out. Ask friends and volunteers to spread the word by email, flyers, and social media. Shepherd Center cannot provide donor lists and may not be able to provide social media support.
- Plan your budget to cover your expenses. Aim to spend no more than 25 cents to raise a dollar.
- Say thank you. Your supporters will feel great knowing they made a difference. Let them know how much they raised and remind them their gifts support Shepherd Center’s mission in helping patients and families rebuild their lives with hope, independence, and dignity.