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Celebrate 50 Years!

This year marks a significant milestone for Shepherd Center as we celebrate 50 years of exceptional care for patients with spinal cord and brain injuries, multi-trauma, traumatic amputations, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and pain.

We need your help to spread the word about this important milestone – by sharing on your social media, you can play a vital role in amplifying our message. Download a graphic and message and customize your post by adding your personal touch—share what Shepherd Center means to you or a memorable experience you’ve had with us.

Thank you for helping us honor decades of rebuilding lives and mark the beginning of historic growth for Shepherd Center.

Let's Celebrate Together on Social Media

How It Works:


Choose Your Graphic

Download a photo from our bank or add a photo of your own!

Note: Be sure not to include photos of patients or other private health information without their permission.

Create a Caption

Grab some suggested text for your post and tailor it to your story.

Please add hashtags: #Shepherd50 and #ShepherdCenter

Share the Celebration

Upload the image you created, paste your caption, and share it across your social media platforms. We appreciate your help in honoring our milestone!

Caption Suggestions

Template 1 – Personal Experience

I'm Proud to Celebrate 50 Years of Shepherd Center! ​ ​

I've seen how Shepherd Center has rebuilt lives through their compassion and expertise. Now, as they celebrate 50 years of exceptional rehabilitation care, research, and family support, I'm proud to support their mission. Join me in honoring @ShepherdCenter's golden anniversary by sharing their story and supporting their future. #Shepherd50 #ShepherdCenter
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Template 2 – Partner Organization

We're Proud to Celebrate 50 Years of Shepherd Center! ​ ​

As a proud partner of @ShepherdCenter, we're thrilled to celebrate their 50th anniversary! For half a century, they've been at the forefront of rehabilitation care, research, and family support, helping countless individuals and families rebuild their lives after injury or illness. We're excited to see what the next 50 years will bring. Join us in spreading the word about their incredible work! #Shepherd50 #ShepherdCenter
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Template 3 – Insider Experience

I’m Proud to Celebrate 50 Years of Shepherd Center!​ ​

I am honored to work at/volunteer at/donate to @ShepherdCenter and celebrate our 50th anniversary! I appreciate that Shepherd Center puts patients and families at the center of their work and supports staff to be their best. I know that I am helping countless individuals and their families rebuild their lives after injury or illness. ​

Join me in celebrating this remarkable milestone and spreading the word about the incredible work being done at Shepherd Center. #Shepherd50 #ShepherdCenter​
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